Projection Mapping: A Look into its Expanding Possibilities

While people do not usually think maps can grow, apparently they do. As it turns out, there is a large-scale maturing of projection mapping. It is presently conquering applications with huge funding. It is expanding its borders rapidly too as it now reaches for corporate markets, entertainment, and sports.

New doors of opportunity

While projection mapping is no longer a novel idea in the entertainment scene, the expansion that it is presently experiencing- the use of curved screens, physical props, as well as content with high frame rates and high resolution- is opening up new doors of opportunity.

Selling into the corporate and sports markets do have some challenges when compared to using projection mapping in a market that is more traditional. Events such as performing arts, sports, automotive, and fashion are just the kind that requires some unique presentation and display. The fact that projection mapping offers flexibility means that it is possible to have it integrated with impressive visual effects that are going to bring about the wow factor. The presence of customisable solutions in the use of projection mapping paves the way for new possibilities to engage customers better and to establish lasting impressions.

Better edge blending                                                                                                               

Thanks to recent developments in blending and warping technologies that are built into projectors, it is easier to come up with cleaner blends. While there is already blending software that allows quicker implementation, the hardware part tends to offer more precision. As a result, though, it makes it possible to use playback systems that are more reliable.


Looking back, edge blending has indeed come a long way. What used to be just based on a 2D plane now allows blending in complex 3D settings. Processes that used to take several days to align and calibrate can be performed in just a few hours. With the appropriate three-dimensional pre-visualization, it is even possible to have this accomplished within minutes.

Dodging the pitfalls

In terms of integrating, designing, and maintaining projects that have been mapped, avoiding the pitfalls involve a number of aspects. Projector positioning is one of them. When projectors are incorrectly placed, the extruding faces along the surface might create silhouettes in the projection. This is why proper placement should always be taken into account.

For content creation, a good understanding of how content may translate differently once projected is needed to make the necessary adjustments. However, the decision on whether to use positive or negative space when it comes to projecting content will usually be based on aesthetic preferences as well as branding requirements.

Emphasis should be placed on selecting a mapping software that offers flexibility so the designer is able to add touch-ups and tweaks whenever needed. A system that is flexible enough to accommodate changes would indeed be valuable to better maximise the uses of 3D projection mapping.

Hassan Sadiq is more than happy to offer guidance and information on 3D mapping and its applications. As WRLD’s chairman, he is aiming to achieve a collaborative and global effort towards building an intelligent and accurate representation of the world through 3D mapping. You can read more about Hassan Sadiq and his work here.